Hair Straightener Harm

| Jim Coogan

NIH Study: Hair Striaghteners Linked to Cancer Risk

Products used for hair straighteners have been linked to a cancer risk, including uterine cancer. Over the years, researchers have focused on whether the chemicals used in products for straightening hair can cause cancer. As far back as 2007, researchers at Boston University and Howard University examined the connection between relaxers and cancer. (Credit: Tameka Ellington; Yahoo! News)

Other researchers went on to examine the connection between the hair products and other types of cancer. But the biggest news came in October, 2022 when the National Institutes of Health released a study about the connection with uterine cancer risk.

The researchers found that women who reported frequent use of hair straightening products, defined as more than four times in the previous year, were more than twice as likely to go on to develop uterine cancer compared to those who did not use the products. (NIH News Release, October 17, 2022, “NIH Study finds Black women may be more affected due to higher use)

The study found a statistically-significant link between use of the chemicals and development of uterine cancer by the age of 70. This is serious news for users of hair straighteners, particularly black women since they use the products to a disproportionate degree.

What can you do if you have a cancer diagnosis?

A cancer diagnosis is daunting. It means you have more questions than answers and the future suddenly looks more complicated. There are now doctor’s appointments and meetings to plan difficult treatment. If you find yourself in this difficult position, you have the right to speak with an attorney about your legal options. Please do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Coogan Gallagher to discuss your rights.

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