
ERCP Punctures Bowel–Infection & Death

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  • ERCP Punctures Bowel–Infection & Death

The Incident

An 88-year-old woman was a resident at a downtown nursing home, but lived with relative independence.  She was undergoing routine medical evaluation and was diagnosed with a slow-growing tumor located near her gall bladder.  Despite her advanced age and the likelihood that this tumor would not grow quickly enough to impact her health, the gastrenterologist treating her decided to perform an “ERCP” (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) procedure, which places a scope through the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and small intestine.  This scope was inserted to remove the tumor.  However, during the procedure, the bowel and pancreas were punctured.

The Result

As a result of the bowel leak, the Plaintiff sustained a serious infection that damaged her entire abdomen.  This put too much stress on her system, and she ultimately died.  Even at her advanced age, the matter was settled for $200,000.

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